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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

11 July 2009

During his visit to Ghana, Barack Obama told the Ghanaian Parliament that "Africa must take charge of its own destiny in the World" and that good governance was vital for development. I believe in fate, and only this week I was searching what was meant by good governance. It can mean many things to many people, but one thing that is certain, is that it includes maintaining democracy and the upholding of the democratic process, be it at local or national level. Governance also applies to organisations and public bodies and the need for them to function albeit with support, in a transparent and equitable manner that is open to scrutiny and challenge by the communities that the group, politicians, authority serve and in true democratic style are answerable to. The First Lady visited Slave Castle, a pilgrimage that I had intended to make during my visit, but unfortunately circumstances took over, and the intended trip along the coast was put off. For me, that would have been the highlight of my African odyssey. Alas it was not to be, but maybe that will be the reason why I return to Africa at some point in the future.


And of course following on from my last post; achievement is a great thing. The election of Opposition leader John Atta Mills as President, was a great achievement and a new beginning for Ghana. The fact that the election was in the main without incident (given the circumstances surrounding the voting), is a credit to Ghanaian's. The success of Ghanaian democracy is an example to all on the Continent of Africa. But who would have thought that America's 44th and first Black President Barack Hussein Obama, would pick Ghana as his first port of call for an inaugural African visit? For Ghanaian's and Africans everywhere, this must be regarded as a historic moment within a historic year, and further strengthening of the values of democracy in Ghana.
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