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Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

20 October 2011

Senator John McCain

I think that the Republican Presidential Candidate of 2008 Senator John McCain spoke exceptionally well on the BBC Television Programme 'Newsnight', broadcast live tonight, regarding events in Libya. Presidential Candidate McCain was 'Presidential' in the way that he handled the questions, represented the people of America and more importantly demonstrated a Humanitarian side that is all too often missing when commentators speak about world affairs involving injury and death.

Others should pay particular attention to Senator McCain's call for Humanitarian medical aid for the many thousands of injured people in Libya and the inability of the local infrastructure to effectively cope with the extensive medical problems. I agree that American Medical Ships should be deployed and European countries and the United States of America should take in those that have been injured and help with their care and rehabilitation.

They fought for democracy and to make our world a safer place - the least we can do is step in and prevent and ease suffering.

Well done Senator John McCain , well said, I applaud you.
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