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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

28 January 2013

Hair loss

You know that yucky feeling when you have a hair in your mouth? Well, I won't be getting that sensation for some time into the future now. Nope, not after wifey left her hair remover tube next to my toothbrush in the hotel bathroom and packed everything else up and deposited her suitcase at reception. Arriving back at the room after a late and enjoyable breakfast; I duly brushed my teeth. Yuck, double yuck, and disgusting.

Said toothpaste style tube now has its body marked with the word "hair" in several places and is soundly wrapped in cello tape to ensure that the embossed new title can't be rubbed off. You may want to do the same if anyone in your family buys toothpaste style and sized tubes of hair remover. Or buy them a blinking big razor. But hey ho, there's no hairs in my mouth anymore. Nope, just the unnatural taste of hair remover.

27 January 2013

Holocaust Day

You can't wish everyone "A Happy Holocaust Day", so I shall instead "Wish you all a very long memory". Please don't forget those who died, how they died, and why they died.

It shouldn't have happened again, but they tried to replicate it in the Balkans and Africa; albeit in lower numbers.

The idea of Ethnic cleansing is disgusting, but time and time again people see human differences in religion, group ancestry, or body features as reasons for removing specific groups from this world.

It's all very sad, so while you go about your Sunday routine, stop and say a prayer for this kind of murderous behaviour not to happen again.

22 January 2013

The Snow Leopard

Well sometimes we just have to call it a day, and this is one of those times. After many hours of enjoyable painting the Landrover Sport deposited into a Penrhyncoch and Scottish Mountains scene is now finished. Some more work on the glazing and adding my signature earlier today brought this long haul to a satisfying end.

17 January 2013

17 January painting

Another few hours on the oil painting improving the offside and bonnet of the Landrover, changing the wall colours and detailing the church, darkening down the middle building, adding shadow by the bushes, and improving the windscreen

15 January 2013


The oil painting is progressing well with this session starting at 0730 whereupon I entered a relaxing world of my own and sang some songs without my favourite album playing

13 January 2013

I find painting and drawing quite therapeutic.  But keeping myself busy often means putting some things to one side as I skip along from one activity to the next.  Pen and ink drawing and water colours have been quite a big thing of late along with model making and playing with my grandson.  This oil painting has hung on my wall for the last two years drying out and unactioned.  Then in a lonely moment a few days ago I picked up the brushes and set to work once more. I am really pleased with the progress and have enjoyed painting each day, sometimes with music playing in the background and at other times with tranquil silence.  

This painting is intended as a gift for a friend.  The last gift was a pen and ink and water colour of a car, and the next piece of art will probably be something in charcoal. Why? well simply because I haven't got a clue how to use them, and it's important for me to have lots of things on the go to deflect from my darker moments.

2 January 2013

Photies 6 of 6

The series of photographs that I uploaded for the lovely people of a certain DIY brand have now been removed as promised after the matter was pleasantly concluded :-)

1 January 2013


The iconic moment of 2012,  

Felix Baumgartner Space Jumper:

"I'm going home now"

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