I am sat on a bed [in another room where there is internet access] using an Apple Mac. I am staying with Michael's friend Jeff who is a school teacher. His English is excellent, and so are his values. Jeff has explained where the Exchange Bureau is and I am off to change £20 in the morning, and then travelling by African Bus into Accra Central. It is called Accra central as Accra has a population in excess of 2m and it is split into several parts. I have visited Pantang and Jeff is writing down the name of his community and his address, plus giving me his cell number so I can get back ok. He has also explained that the tipping should be 50 [their currency goes from 1 to 100 like our pennies and then known as 1, 2, and so on like our pounds] and a beggar should be given 20 (pennies). I know that I must drink bottled water and eat inside a restaurant... Jeff and his girlfriend are taking me to the Wedding on Saturday. I read a whole book today, something that I last did in one day when I had chicken pox and I read the Godfather throughout the night.
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