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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

29 August 2008

Rain, rain, don't go away

There are three good things about the rain: the heat stops, the heat stops, and the heat stops. Well by heat, I mean a combination of the sun's glare and the crushing humidity. I was walking along the other day and I heard someone say "oh, he carries his water with him". Boy oh boy, do I carry my water. Not on my head like the weightlifters of the Northern Region (I wouldn't want to mess with them in a fullscale battle - fast, strong and quick thinking. Probably the worst possible adversary). Music is big in Cudjo's life, military history is big in mine. Rain means no heat, water collection in buckets and bowls (well in anything that is to hand), a dampening of the dust, and the lovey sound of what must be Crickets (but I am not sure). The rain just stopped, and so did the music. The heat has began, and the day is already moving at a pace. In a few minutes I shall be having my bucket shower and stepping out with a stride. This week has been full of turmoil, the Groom fell ill, the Wedding was likely to be postponed until the week after I return to the UK and everyone has been feeling the pressure. I have been feeling the heat and humidity - bring on the rain.

Michael just rang and explained that the traditional wedding is going ahead this evening and the church wedding as scheduled tomorrow. Apparently I place my gifts on the 'Gift Table' and the ladies teach me how to dance. Not at the church (although there is a Gift table there as well)but at the Reception. It's is being held in a large hall with the brickwork deliberately gapped to allow the cool (sic) air through. Let's hope Cudjo is invited and he treats the guests to an African melody.
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