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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

6 September 2008

The Orangery

I am sat in one of my favourite haunts in Aberystwyth; The Orangery. I liken it more to a Gentleman's Club than a Coffee Shop / Cocktail Bar. Especially when the Couch, a small room on the left as you entered the premises used to be open. The leather seating in some parts of the building are extremely comfortable and they make a good latte. The bonus being that the staff are always friendly. They must have some Ghanaian blood inside them. Today I enjoyed yet another coffee and a Florentine Pizza made with a Free Range Egg in the Centre, lot's of Cheese and Spinach. Maybe not the healthiest of meals but one of the largest that I have eat in the last week. The rain is falling well on the West Coast of Wales, and I had set off from home with the intention of reading plenty of Norbert Elias from a new book that I have started since returning home. Unfortunately for Elias, the rain caused a distraction. My thoughts drifted back to the warmth of Africa and the warm of the friendships that I had begun while there. Writing some holiday advice and thinking of friends simply seemed like a more rewarding pastime on this weekend day off. Well, I say day off when I mean 'not in the office', as the nature of my business means that I am more often than not working 'on call'.
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