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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

12 July 2009


The warm weather reminds me of Africa. It has been a lovely weekend, mainly because the forecast rain held off. This meant another few days of shorts and sandals, chatting to friends in town and the odd meal out. Even the 112 lengths of the swimming pool across Saturday and today was a relaxing joy. The cool water with the warm air outside, brought a total of 218 lengths completed this week along with 2 hours and 29 minutes of walking. I even managed to cut the grass and do some model making and airbrushing in the garage. And tonight I started painting again after a long lay off. A Katherine Jenkins Music DVD, my acrylics and steady progress towards completing a 'Heroes' painting that I promised one of my daughters some time back. Although, it is hard going indoors and a storm must be brewing. But however 'close' it gets, or however high the temperature sores, the 31 degrees of the other week pales into insignificance compared to the heat in Ghana. The very heat that the 44th President of the United States of America has just enjoyed. I wonder if President Atta-Mills made Barack Obama as welcome as Jeffers and Tamara made me?
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