Ice Station Zebra
Brrrrrrr, the Ice Man cometh! Temperatures in this part of Wales plummeted to -11 degrees. Great weather for enjoying Ed’s excellent Christmas Hamper and for finding an excuse to meet family and friends for coffee, but grim in terms of staying outdoors or achieving the many DIY tasks that seem to be coming thick and fast now that I am retiring. Amongst the chaos of the ice and snow I am proud of my efforts to keep the path and driveway at our house clear of slip hazards. I even managed to maintain a pathway onto the road so that the numerous car owners at our place; could make it safely to and from their cars. The picture shows yours truly wrapped up for the winter and using a garden hoe to clear the snow and ice. Oh that and a nice stiff broom and a £7 bag of Rock Salt. The long handled hoe meant a slower clearing process, but with the added benefit of no back ache from bending.