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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

10 August 2010

Holiday thoughts

Paradigms and other observations on our 2010 holiday in Italy:

We have walked miles and eaten two main meals a day, but I have put on weight!

Why is it every time we try and catch a bus, it is just pulling away or has just left?

You can buy a bottle of water for 50 Cents but it costs 60 Cents to use the toilet!

Unless you are Pauline, then it costs 1 Euro

The price is not the price, that’s just the entrapment

The real price is +10% and +1 Euro 30 to 1 Euro 50 each

The Railway Station vending machines are cheaper than the street traders

Everybody wants your coin, so it was nice to find in shop in Pisa called ‘Coin’

If you are told that a walk will take 20 minutes, then it always takes 40

When they say the train is 5 Euro 80, they mean 5 Euro 80 each person, each way

If you ask the price of the Euro-Star to Rome, you will be told it is 44 Euro

That is 44 Euro each person each way = 176 Euro

If the owner likes you, then they bring out the fire water at the end

If you are mugged, pretend that you don’t understand English or Italian

The Italians also use quad bikes in the City

To avoid looking like a tourist, you have to slim down and spend a lot of money on clothes and shoes

Many people dip cakes and croissants in coffee

Breakfast for some is a plate of cakes and a shot of espresso

We don’t know if the metal window roller shutters are to keep out the sun or the burglars or both

Whatever the stated temperature, add on quite a few degrees for the sun bounce and absorption on concrete and brick surfaces, gosh it’s hot!
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