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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

8 August 2010

Italian Driving Tips

For someone, who is unable to drive in Italy at the moment, here are a few tips for those of you who have a car that works, or are using public transport:

You can only be a bus driver if you have a mobile phone surgically joined to your hand

At junctions, the big bus has right of way at all times

Zebra crossings are where you might hit people

It is obligatory to drive at night without lights

It is safe to smoke with one hand and be on the mobile phone with the other hand when riding a bike

In Wales we have boy racers in Kiddy Cars, in Italy there are Scooties who are a menace to everyone

The bus driver does not have to let you onto the bus

The bus driver does not have to let you off the bus

If the bus driver does let you on, then say ‘thank you’

If you can stand, give up your seat to the blonde lady

If a Nun comes onto the bus, everyone get up

If a car stops at the Zebra crossing, look surprised
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