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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

13 October 2010

San Jose Mine

As I type this Blog entry, the 21st miner Yonni Barrios, has reached the surface at the San Jose Mine in the Republic of Chile. It has been an emotional journey, and one which many citizens of the World have had an interest in.

To be trapped buried alive must be the worst fear. I suspect that the early prognosis after the accident, was of little hope of any survivors. The mining engineers overcame all obstacles and managed to link up with the trapped workers.

The letter from the trapped was then announced. We then heard that there would be various rescue attempts, but none were certain to work. We were then told that they would be lucky to be rescued until Christmas. It is only mid October. What a fantastic 'Thanksgiving', and well done to all of those that 'Kept hope Alive'. A special well done to the President of Chile; Sebastian Pinera and to the President of Bolivia; Evo Morales and a very special 'well done' to all of those nameless workers and officials who toiled behind the scenes to make this a fantastic rescue of those that were not forgotten.

The journey began with the news of the trapped miners and the journey continues as each successful rescue takes place, each one as special as the one before and the one to follow. The story has the hallmarks of all good stories; tragedy, suspense, hope, and bravery.
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