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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

30 June 2011

Doing the right thing

I don’t mind losing because I never try to win.

I try to remain detached, and try and fight the issues involved in the way that I believe each situation or problem should be highlighted. Everything that I have ever done has always been about doing the right thing. I have never knowingly embarked on a project or made a decision that in some way was about or involved getting one over on the other side. If I needed someone to do something, then the likelihood was that I believed that others would benefit. When I have stood up for something, it is because I truly believed that the something deserved to be aired. I have strong views and am opinionated because I believe that some things are worth saying.

The world would probably be a better place if people made decisions and engaged in events as participants rather than competitors.

Maybe a little bit of humility, coupled with a willingness to see the other point of view, would go an awful long way. Instead of opposing one another; working together to find a relevant and equitable solution to the problem. You do not have to win to succeed.

We should look at problems on the basis of what is fair, equitable and right. What should we do to put it all straight? What can we do to make the outcome successful? Maybe we cannot do what is right for everyone, all of the time, but much of what we do, can and should be towards the greater good. So the next time you are trying to stick someone (an individual or a group), please stop and remember these are real people that you are dealing with. People, who, like you, have the same or similar; fears, aspirations, needs, and desires. If you ignore this and go ahead and stick them anyway, then remember that in many ways, you have also ‘stuck’ yourself; as you become a lesser person through your behaviour.

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