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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

27 June 2011

Ghanaian Choco

Now there's a rare treat back in Wales. One of the gang bought me a small slab of Ghanaian Chocolate amongst other presents for Father's Day. If you have never tried any folks, then the best way I can describe it; is like our dark chocolate, but an awful lot stronger.

The sort of taste that if it wasn't 'your cup of tea', then a nice ice cold Pear Cider would be an ideal accompaniment. If you get my drift. It certainly isn't like our Cadbury's. Then again, that isn't everyone's cup of tea either. I prefer Cadbury to most, but then again you can't beat a good Thorntons. Apparently Cocoa is so important to the Ghanaian economy that the Cocoa Board has a Cabinet level politician and Cocoa is the second highest earner of export dollars for Ghana. The bottom line regarding the chocolate, is that what we think is good, isn't always regarded as that good by others. So trying to compare Ghanaian chocolate with ours is a tad difficult. The chocolate is so different, that for me, it is like trying to compare apples with oranges. But remember, Ghana export so much of their quality cocoa, it's highly likely that your favourite nibble has some in its recipe, or is made up entirely of Ghanaian Cocoa Beans.

Ghanaian Chocolate; "It's chocolate, Jim, but not as we know it."
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