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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

12 July 2011

Old boot Car Boot

Now I quite like a good old Car Boot Sale; as there's always a chance that you will meet someone interesting, maybe see something worth buying, and of course there's all that 'lovely lolly'. But there is a downside to lazing away a Sunday morning. No, not the lack of exercise, but the lack of impact that your money will have to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves.

I have spent quite a few months whiling away the hours downsizing our possessions. That which is worthy of resale has been distributed to Wales Air Ambulance, Oxfam, Tenovus, and Barnardo's. In fact, for all but the Wales Air Ambulance; I am a Gift Aid Card carrier. What we give, is in fact seriously important stuff. Not the physical items, but the actual act of gifting. So as nice as a good old Car Boot Sale is; the charitable need far outweighs having a jolly good day out and collecting a few bob.

So this morning I have been pottering around and putting out some rubbish (that which isn't passed on, tends to be recycled, but some of course to my eternal shame can only go into land-fill). I have booted up the Laptop to say hello to all Bloggers, and now intend to paint the downstairs toilet. But the most important jobs of today are all happening later this afternoon. That is when I leave the village to travel into town and drop off a large box of items for Oxfam, another large box of items for the Air Ambulance (whom I note sold our dining table and chairs this week [thankfully it was the donated one, and not the small one we are using this evening!]) and a large bag of clothes to Barnardo's.

I'm also popping in to hand over a small monetary donation to the current DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee) Appeal. Those affected by the drought in East Africa really do need I help. Nearly all of us can spare a few bob, and think of that the next time you want to take yourself to an old Car Boot Sale to turn your stuff into cash.
What you get, you will flitter away in almost an instant, but what you donate will save at least one life
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