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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

11 July 2011

Where is the NoW? And on Being Bonkers

In my last Blog post, I asked where the other news was. Maybe I should have asked where is the News of the World?

You have to be extremely naive to believe that spying including phone hacking is a new phenomenon. There are many examples of tape cassette recording, secret filming, telephone and room bugging of individuals to get a story. Best part is; this type of behaviour is nothing new. So maybe we have to ask ourselves what is new about what the News of the World has been accused of? Has our tolerance threshold for such behaviour declined, or is there some other influence that has caused the collapse of what is (was) the best selling Sunday newspaper.

You don't get that many readers from being useless or average, and you don't get that many stories from phone hacking.

To be perfectly honest with you, I am a (London) Times and Sunday Times reader. But I was shocked when I heard that the News of the World was closing. I mean lets be real, if you had sat at a table with a few friends a decade ago and one of them said; "In the next ten years, Woolworths will close, so will MFI, and Focus, and Habitat, oh and the News of the World", you would have quite rightly thought that he or she were completely and utterly bonkers. I mean, these were all institutions. OK, Focus wasn't right up there with the others. But hey ho, I'm sure that you get my drift.

I was so shocked about the News of the World, that this morning I had a copy of the last ever edition delivered to our hotel room. Along with my Sunday Times of course. "Hey, Mrs. B" I say, as I'm walking back into the room having just closed the door and with the two papers folded together. "I have the Sunday Times, do you want a read?"

"Yes," comes the reply, "chuck it on the bed and I'll have a look later." To which I respond as I swiftly take the goodies from behind my favourite read, "Oh, I've also got the News of the World!".

"Brilliant, pass it here" as she instantly starts the read. Sort of says it all, doesn't it? The fools, they should have sacked anyone who was to blame and ridden out the storm. Better still, they could have outed them all one at a time each and every Sunday and we would have queued to buy the next edition to see who was going to prison that week. It would have made a great serial. They could have even put a strap line under their Heading;

The News of the World
No hacking - only sacking

They missed a great opportunity, because everyone loves a bad boy turned good. Especially if others think that they had something to do with the cleansing. They may be rich and they may be powerful, but sometimes the best in the land could do with an impartial opinion of a qualified strategist. You have to look beyond the 'quick win'. There's no point in dumping a winning formula, if by doing so you run the risk of dumping everything else. I think that it was a big mistake, but then again, I'm not a billionaire so what do I know?

So what's next; 'the SUNday'
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