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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

26 December 2011

War on Christmas

Had some nice presents earlier today. Engaged in a short phone call with my bro, no phone call with my Sis, but had some nice exchanges of Christmas texts with lots of friends and of course a nice dinner. We indulged in Champagne for breakfast courtesy of a guest, freshly ground coffee for eleven's courtesy of our eldest.

So all in all it was not a bad Christmas 2011.

Now with that in mind; what's all that fuss going on in the States and the declared "War on Christmas?" It wasn't that bad this side of The Pond, so why all the fuss over there?

The sound of Carols in the background courtesy of the Chapel of King’s College, Cambridge, an excellent Queen's speech (probably one of the best ever) and a grand buffet to top off the day. I don’t know about you, but we tend to leave our Christmas pudding and Brandy Sauce until late evening. Well you would do the same if you sat down to one of wifey’s Christmas Dinners. I only go for one sitting, but there is one or two in the family who will load their plate again. Enough is as good as a feast for me, and wifey’s Christmas dinner is a feast!

Now please, please, please, don’t spoil our Christmas by declaring war on anything. Listen in good people, War ain’t good, and War on Christmas is downright bad. I mean do you want me to declare War on Thanksgiving? No, of course you don’t. So hands off me sausages wrapped in bacon and keep your hands away from my twinkling little star. I don’t see the tree as a Christian symbol. Nope, I see it as a nicely decorated glittery thing. Jolly nice when done properly. The Nativity is part of Christmas, attending a service or two is also part of Christmas, the birth of Jesus is also part of Christmas. But these “War on Christmas” people have to understand that Christmas isn’t just about the Christian faith. No, it’s mainly about the family. Christmas is the main chance of the year for people to put their differences behind them and instead move together for the greater good.

So come on people, watch the Queen’s speech, listen to the commentary about the importance of family and forget about fighting Christmas. Another mince pie anyone?
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