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This Blog is about lots of things including Art, Poetry, and Pens. The Main Blogging page is the Home page and the Tabs are other almost separate stand alone pages. Select a Tab (Home, Pens, etc) and scroll down to find the text. Trust me, it is there. Return to the Home page by clicking 'Home'. Enjoy the read...

Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

10 January 2012

Well here's a 2012 cheer up for all of us recession hit folk. Mr Tister popped into my room to bring along a smile and to show me his 'Stickers'. I particularly like the cheeky ‘Thomas the Tank Engine’ one. Well being a train geek, I suppose that this was inevitable. What’s wonderful is the way that a small child can bring a big smile. Thank you Mr Sticker and what a great start to 2012. Happy New Year everyone!
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