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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

9 August 2012


Having left Reykjavik yesterday we are now meandering down the Eyjafordur to Akureyri on the Celebrity Eclipse (with apologies to those that note that I am unable to work out how to insert the various double dots and lines to replicate the correct spelling using my iPhone).

Given the weather back in Britain prior to this holiday, it was a joy to be on the balcony at 0700 this morning in our bathrobes and without footwear to enjoy the warm sun. Although it's strange to be so warm while looking at the snow capped mountains as the meandering takes place.

It is unlikely that we will do an excursion today, but I must admit that our new found German and Israeli friends have been well looked after by the lovely Celebrity excursion team. Eric and Nikkei are off on a 5 hour adventure while the Baron and his equally charming wife are away to the Godafoss Waterfall. We have an option, but I'm not certain what I want from today. Relaxation or chasing the sights, which of course is a bit of a conundrum as we may not return to this part of the world.

But we are returning to the excellent Moonlight Sonata Celebrity Restaurant and that is a real look forward to.
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