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This Blog is about lots of things including Art, Poetry, and Pens. The Main Blogging page is the Home page and the Tabs are other almost separate stand alone pages. Select a Tab (Home, Pens, etc) and scroll down to find the text. Trust me, it is there. Return to the Home page by clicking 'Home'. Enjoy the read...

Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

21 April 2013


It was inevitable given the trauma of the Boston Marathon attacks that I would turn yet again to poetry. Over the course of a few days I wrote two poems about the atrocity. They are titled 'Boston' and 'Why?'. I used a different style when writing each of the poems. 'Boston' was written on the afternoon following the capture of the second suspect. The poem is written with four feet per line, and five lines per stanza with the rhyming scheme ABCDE linking each stanza, with the word 'and' at the start of each fifth line.

The poem 'Why?' began with the opening stanza being jotted down as I thought of the words while getting changed to go out on the Saturday evening. The remainder of this second poem was written in a coffee shop on the Sunday afternoon . 'Why?' is written with six words in each of the first and third lines of each stanza. With two questioning words appearing in each second line. The second and third lines rhyme to provide the scheme ABB.

I suppose that writing poetry is my way of dealing with many of the things that happen, and which I find difficult to comprehend and thereby make sense of. It had been a difficult week emotionally, and for some people that will appear quite strange as I am neither American nor do I live in Boston. But I do have a good friend who lives in the city and two other friends who moved away to Florida. This association and the fragility of my mental health may go some way towards explaining the emotion that appears in my poetry and prose.

I intend to upload the poems 'Boston' and 'Why?' to the poetry page of this Blog, and as always all rights are reserved.
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