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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

25 July 2014


Well Friday came and went and no swotting occurred for the British Chess Championships Week 2 AM Open Competition. There was alas (and still is) lots of sweating with this heat wave currently engulfing Wales and the rest of the UK but no swatting. So here I am, feet up, watching the TV and wishing that I had the money to install an air conditioning system. It's times like this that I wish that I was on a long drive, because at least the car is cooler. 

Although I did pay a visit to the main playing area today, and I must say that the room appeared to be really cool. The Championship organisers had also put on lots of water. But even the cool water and the cool room wasn't as cool as the cool commentator in the Commentary Room.  Now he seemed to be shrouded in his own personal air conditioning system, and I must admit by the manner in which he commentated on the games; he had certainly done his swotting.
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