'Taffy', Charcoal on paper. January 2015
18 January 2015
This pooch is my first attempt at using Charcoal. The artwork (including the pencil outline that I drew to help guide me), took all of about forty minutes. It's a gift for two good friends, and the owners who live in Sutton in England are thrilled. I tend to over analyse my artwork, and usually take a very long time starting and finishing a piece. It takes time to get around to starting the intended work, and that's probably down to the mental ill health, and then a long time working on, putting down and picking back up. My last oil painting took two years, and the pen and ink and watercolour of a Hyundai i30 about eighteen months. I'm not a prolific artist, so it was nice to sit down and spend an enjoyable short period thinking about light and dark and thereby come up with this. Yes, it's not great, there's a lot wrong with it, but it's mine, and I'm proud.
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