So on Friday I cracked open the paint tin that has been hanging around for quite a few weeks, and took a laborious 6 hours to apply one coat of emulsion to four walls. Yep, they need a second coat, but alas that means more pressure, so that idea has been parked for a while. And Nope, the walls aren't large. I just think that it was a case of not being up to the task. Maybe they will be painted next week or indeed the week after, who knows.
Thankfully not all tasks are the 'your face pressure stuff' that I try to avoid. Avoidance strategies work, and are an important defensive mechanism. Another defensive mechanism is to flitter from one thing to another. So using pastels is good fun, but that fun mustn't diminish. Hence the pencil drawing, and the watercolours. Mix it up, and the pressure is reduced. With that in mind; I'm trying to complete a pen and ink and watercolour as a gift for two friends of ours who are getting married. It's slow, and has to be set aside and picked back up, but it's enjoyable. It might look good, but then again it might not. But I suspect that they will be grateful. Albeit it's likely that the finished item will be handed over well past the marriage date. There was a time, a long time ago, when I would have worked slavelessly to finish to a deadline. Not any more, as deadlines are now something to be avoided at all costs. I'm not really that fussed when and how I do something, and I simply don't set myself the target.