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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

20 November 2015

Africa watercolour painting

. . . and here is another watercolour painting for my friends, especially those in or from Africa (Patricia, Tamara, Michael, and Jeffers AKA Jeffery).

This painting of the night sky and its mass of stars, was constructed in watercolour and pen and ink and a tiny bit of watercolour pencil on an approximately A3 sheet of Daler Rowney 'Aquafine' 'Hot Pressed' smooth watercolour paper.    The paper size is an Imperial measurement of 16 x 12 inches (which is a tad larger than A3).  

The black ink aside, there are four prominent colours in this watercolour image, all Winsor and Newton Artist Quality paints, namely: Prussian Blue, Indigo, Winsor Orange, and Rose Dore. To a significantly lesser extent, there is some Yellow Ochre. 

The pen is a Staedtler pigment liner size 0.05 which is waterproof once applied to paper.  The main art brushes used for this piece were my expensive Rowney 'Diana' series Kolinsky Sable in various sizes up to size 7 and my latest minor acquisition of a Daler Rowney 'Aquafine' Liner. The latter brush offers better control than a 'Graduate' Size 1 Rigger brush

As with all of my paintings, drawings, and poems: all rights are reserved, Roger Bennett
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