I managed to complete a simple beach scene watercolour at MIND and then made a few art acquisitions ready for the next series of paintings: (1) the new ARCHES watercolour paper is as good as it gets, and I've been waiting to take delivery of this beauty for a while, (2) the art easel was dug out of a storage box and cleaned up (the easel belonged to my father who passed away 30+ years ago), and finally the china and loggoed up Winsor Newton brush pot, which was a delightful gift that I received from the lovely people at the Art Shop in Pier Street, Aberystwyth.
Yes the ARCHES watercolour paper is expensive, and yes, I had to raid the piggy bank, but I simply had to have a go. Not that it's opened yet, knowing me it will be put to one side for a while and then after procastination on my part, it will at some point be opened and used. Whereas I suspect that the cleaned up pot will be holding a brush or two by midday tomorrow. Don't even ask about the easel, as that's now an ornament in the corner of my den.