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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

8 October 2016

Winsor & Newton Watercolour Markers

Awe what a lovely surprise when I got back from town and found that these Winsor & Newton Watercolor Markers had arrived today!  

Photograph ArtRba: Winsor & Newton Watercolour Markers

This is really good news on several accounts; as (1) I am really enjoying the original three markers that I already have (and which were gifted to me by the lovely people in Art Shop on Pier Street, Aberystwyth), and (2) we had popped home earlier in the day and they weren't with the post.  

I had forgotten all about the modern thingy of a courier service.  So disheartened, I went back to town; while unknown to me, the delivery chappies continued to work in the background.  

My experience so far; suggests that these Watercolour Markers can't be classed as the perfect water-soluble thing, but they can be classed as the perfect 'something different'.  I've read online that they are Cotman standard, and I would wholeheartedly disagree with that statement.  Don't get me wrong, their not Professional Artist quality Watercolour, but they ain't Cotman either.  Nope, the pigment is to vibrant to reduce them to that level.  

Now I need to find my level with these Watercolour Markers, by trying out some new techniques, trying out some new reference images, and then see how we get on.  They sell these in 6's, as single units, this 12 and I've sen other variations in quantity with and without the relevant Marker Pad.  I'm using different kinds of watercolour paper to see how the product handles and to find out what watercolor support if anything works best for me.

Oh ps they retail these at circa £44 but I sourced this set at £26 including delivery, so shop around!  
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