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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

9 August 2010


The train from Firenze to Pisa took about an hour. It was a lovely journey through some stunning countryside. The walk from the station to the leaning Bell Tower is straight forward and shaded in part. There is a map of the town outside of the station to help travellers, but in essence, you head straight, cross the river and turn left when you reach the old town walls.

The shock to me was the brain freeze of the Italian 'Slushi Puppi'. Wow, it hit me four times. But I had to have some liquid and it had to be cold as the weather was so hot. I felt liked a baked Pizza in Pisa.

We made the 20 minute walk in 40 minutes. The second shock was to see how far the Bell Tower is leaning. It is out of line so much, that you would expect it to fall over at any moment. But it was a good visit as there are many buildings of quality and well kept grounds. A tad too many people for my liking, but I suppose that if you were from Hong Kong then you would think that Pisa was deserted.
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