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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

9 August 2010

Train Italian

The train from Firenze to Pisa for two people (return) cost 23 Euro 20 Cents with a further 60 Cents each to use the bathroom.

The Italian train system, like their bus transport, is yet another honour system. If you read Italian then you can use the fast track ticket machines. Otherwise you stand in a snaking queue that makes the Post Office system in the UK look positively good. You buy a ticket that is for the number of people in the group and the ticket defines the number of people and states the journey departure and destination stations.

Watch the departure board for advice on when and from where your train will depart and make your way to that platform. Before you board the train you stamp your journey ticket in one of many yellow electronic stamping machines by inserting either end of the ticket into the machine. Jump onto the train and enjoy the 2nd class air conditioned quality of the Italian transport system.

The photograph shows the train that we boarded from Firenze to Pisa
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