Wow, just had a message from Runningshoes4U; "Your order from Birmingham Runner Sp Ltd is out for delivery today by
Neil your DPD driver and is due to be delivered between 12:27-13:27." Now that's what I call service. No waiting around all day on the off chance that they may or may not call around. Pretty good seeing that we are out in the Countryside (well give or take a few hundred houses).
Telephone providers, domestic appliance repairers, mobile phone deliverers; please all take note. Not the number of houses, but how to make an effective and helpful appointment.
Every little bit helps and so far Runningshoes4U are coming up trumps. Now let's hope that it not one Men's and one Ladies in a polythene bag, or UK Size 8 width 'D'. Because if Runningshoes4U get the order right, then they are surely one company worthy of a strong recommendation!
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