It's astonishing that a country that lingers with incompetence when failing to get rid of the bad, simultaneously fails to welcome with open arms the good.
The red carpet should be rolled out for Hashmat Nawabie and all others who risked their lives under fire and will continue to risk their lives as the coalition forces now withdraw. They each done what they believed was right, and to now deny them asylum, is a shocking stance for a democratic country to take. Freedom must also be about safety, as you cannot fight a war in the name of freedom; while denying a safe outcome for some. This is not about immigration, this is not about quota's, this is not about whether or not this was a 'just war' (are any wars truly just?), this is simply about doing the right thing.
There is no more to be said. Not welcoming Mr Nawabie and others like him is a disgrace.
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