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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

12 May 2013

Jan Sendall and Paul Clark inaugural Memorial Handicap Rapidplay Chess Tournament

Here I am at the "Jan Sendall and Paul Clark inaugural Memorial Handicap Rapidplay Chess Tournament" held in Tanygroes Ceredigion on the 12 May 2013 and lo and behold I bump into my Chess Mentor RG Taylor of Newport Chess Club fame and the Welsh Representative in the Commonwealth Chess Championships held in India (albeit Bob ended up not playing on that occasion due to ask minute serious ill health). Bob was astonished to see my name on the list of competitors as he knew that I had not played chess for 15 years and I was astonished to see Bob as I had not seen him for a little longer than that.

My plan for today's competition was 0/7 providing that I enjoyed myself, and by meeting Bob the enjoyment criteria has already been met!

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