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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

12 May 2013

Jan Sendall and Paul Clark inaugural Memorial Handicap Rapidplay ChessTournament Round 6

I became a tad tired and packed away the iPad for post my Round 6 and Round 7 games.

My time just slipped by against my Round 6 Opponent Awne Osinga.  Five minutes simply isn't enough time when you are this much out pf practice.  I cant tell you where my time went, as I moved swiftly every move, and was astonished when I noticed that my flag had fallen.  I was equally astonished when my opponent noticed that it had gone some twenty moves later.  Hey ho, happy days, as I thoroughly enjoyed the game up until Osinga noticed the win.  It was a tight position, in which I had probably thrown away a few opportunities.

RBA v Awne Osinga 1468 0-1

1.5 / 6
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