The Kings pawn game started well for me and I was able to squeeze out if the opening and into the middle game with equality. My Bishops done a good job of controlling a few diagonals and with a central Knight I was able to go the exchange up for a Knight and pawn to Rook. With the added bonus of winning back the pawn quickly and being able to force the Queen and Bishops off the board. This let me into a won double Rook against Rook and Knight ending which cancelled down even better to a Rook v Knight ending. I kept my head in Round four, and even though I was stuffed after the lovely SUNDAY lunch in Tanygroes, I still managed to gobble up a few Kings side pawns and cancel out my Rook for his Knight to leave a won King and Pawn endgame.
Phew, thank you Colin, I needed that.
Colin Denham 1672 v RBA 0-1
1.5 / 4
The other news brought to me at lunch, is that my travelling companion James Cook managed a draw in Round 3 when his opponent failed to prosecute checkmate with a double Bishop and King v King endgame. So I suppose that the learning outcome after this Round and the Round 3 news; is that endgame knowledge is extremely important.
James Cook, 12 May 2013